Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chest and Back


Yesterday at 6:30 AM my alarm goes off... Beep, Beep, Beep.

Look out the window only to see that it is pouring rain and my phone tells me it is 30 degrees. Luckily for me I was blessed with the great fortune of having my computer information systems final at 8 AM that morning. So I walk to campus in the pouring rain, dominate my final, and walk back in what seems to be an even more torrential downpour.

For most students out there, the logical next step would be to reward myself by taking a nap or just laying around seeing as it was a cold, rainy, and overall dreary day. If I said I didn't consider it I would be lying to you. So a few seconds passed by and I thought to myself....FUCK THAT! Let's lift.

30 minutes later I am at the gym with Ashton, pre workout pumping, ready to tackle this beast of a workout:

Superset- 5 sets w/ 1 pre-exhaust set (30- bench press only)

Bench Press: 5 X 10

Wide Grip Pull-Ups: 5 X 10

Superset- 5 sets

Incline DB Press: 5 X 8

T-Bar Row (or Barbell row): 5 X 12

Superset- 6 sets

Seated Cable Rows: 6 X 12

DB chest flyes: 6 X 12

If there is one number in particular that stands out for this workout it should be that very first number: 30. Who on earth wants to do 30 of anything? Well to get crazy results, you have to do crazy things. This pre-exhaust set does a couple of important things: pumps a ton of blood to the corresponding muscles as well as amplifying the results the next 5 sets will provide for your beloved pectoral muscles.

Although after those 30 reps I felt as if my chest mass was comparable to Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, it made those next 5 sets extremely humbling. I don't want that to be misconstrued as a negative thing though, because the humbleness that I have attained due to working out has been one of the best things ever.

How many people do you know that could use a double dose of humbleness? I would be willing to bet that you could each name quite a few. There is absolutely nothing in this world more humbling than knowing that all that was standing between you and achieving a rep was gravity.

The important thing to remember in all of the workouts we post is that as long as you are giving it your all and not going too light, the important thing is to get the reps! Every rep is better than one that isn't attempted. Don't be afraid to fail!

As always, feel free to comment and let us know your thoughts. If you like the direction these workouts have been going and want customized workouts or meal plans shoot us an email at themuscleinsider@gmail.com

Get out there and #GetFit

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