Friday, December 27, 2013

Sunday = Rest Day

Sunday is a rest day every single week. After 6 hard days of lifting, it is vital that you allow a full 24 hours for your hormones to reset and body to recover. The only time I will workout on a Sunday is if there is a specific part of my body that I am working on. Let me explain- I am always trying to gain strength and have my muscles get bigger, but at the given moment I am in an obsessive phase with my abs. I really want to emphasize the depth and width of them. So, this morning I hit a quick 4 X 15 of ab wheel followed by 4 X 50 of bicycle crunches.

Since I'm not providing you all with a workout I wanted to provide 3 things to remember when lifting. 
1. Keep your feet planted.
2. Remember to breathe.
3. Prior to each set, believe you can get the reps.

I see so many people when they are struggling with those last few reps on bench press start lifting their feet. Having a firm stance not only gives you stability, but part of your strength for bench press comes through your legs believe it or not.

Breathe, breathe, breathe. You need oxygen to enter your bloodstream for those muscles to function so why would you hold your breath when you are trying to get the weight up? Exactly. Always keep steady breathing.

Always think positive. If you go into a set thinking you won't be able to get those last 2 reps, then you've already lost the battle. Believe in your strength and endurance, and bust through those reps or those final 100 meters. 

Read it, spread it, and #GetFit

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