I'm not going to write much today, but I expect you guys to go out and kill this workout for us:
Arnold Straight Bar Cheat Curls- 10, 8, 6, 4, 20
Skull Crushers- 10, 8, 6, 4, 20
Hammer Curls- 10, 8, 6, 4, 20
Straight Bar Push-Downs- 10, 8, 6, 4, 20
Quad Set (4 things back to back to back to back)- 4 sets: 10, 8, 6, 20
Incline Curls
Rope Push-Downs
Preacher Curls
Abs Triset (back to back to back)- 4 sets
Front Plank- 45 seconds
Side Plank (Right arm on ground)- 45 seconds
Side Plank (Left arm on ground)- 45 seconds
Earlier this morning when I was doing this workout I found that at first I wasn't enjoying it as much as usual. Since the first 4 things are by themselves (not part of a superset, which is typically how arm day goes for me), I felt like I wasn't getting as much out of it as I should have been. Even so, I pushed myself to do the heaviest weight I could and still get all the reps, taking only a one minute break in between each set.
After my first set of the quadset, I realized just how wrong I was. I thought about it, and then it made sense: the first four things were there to go heavy, which is what gives your arms mass at the end of the day. It also caused a lot of fatigue in my biceps and triceps, making it that much harder to complete the quadset, which was the highest intensity part of the lift. After four sets of this brutal punishment (pushing myself to the limit of course) I could barely move my arms. That is how I knew I had completed a successful lift for the day.
As always, if there are any questions about the lifts shoot me and my partner (Michael) an email or leave a comment on the page. Hope you guys enjoy.
Now get off your phone or computer, get your butt to the gym and #GetFit
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