Two scoops of pre-workout and my favorite tank top had me feeling myself a little bit as I walked to the free weight section. As I saw Somerville walking over to meet me by the dumbells, I knew it was go time.
Superset 5 x 8
Skull Crushers x Straight Bar Curls
Superset 5 x 10
Heavy Straight Bar Push downs x Standing Dumbell Curls
Superset 5 x 20
Bench Dips x Straight Bar Push Downs (half reps, bottom to middle)
Superset 5 x 20
Preacher Curls x Reverse Curls
Superset 5 sets
28 method Straight Bar Curls x Body Weight Tricep Extensions (20 reps)
After this lift, Michael walked up to me and quietly asked "Do my arms look gross to you?" Yeah, the pump is that real.
Have a hell of a workout, and have an even better day... GetFit