Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Tree Back

How many people can say that their back truly resembles a Christmas tree? The answer to that is not many and it isn't because this physique is unattainable; it is simply because people don't attack their back in the proper manner. 

The key to getting that "Christmas tree" look comes down to 3 things: 
(1) Creativity of workouts
(2) The Squeeze
(3) Mind-Muscle Connection

So let's breakdown these 3 concepts and figure out how to build the ultimate back. 

First, many people don't know what to do for back workouts other than the original exercise we learned in elementary school- pull-ups. Pull-ups are not bad, on the other hand they should be a staple when constructing your weekly back workout, but don't let them be the only piece of food on your plate. Incorporate rows, vary the angles, switch up DB's to BB's or BB's to cables. To help save you the energy, follow us and we will provide you with a variety of exercises to shock your back into serious growth.

Next, is the one and only squeeze. Every rep whether it is a row movement or a pull down movement should end with a solid, exaggerated squeeze of the entire back. Reasoning behind this is as such- when you get that prolonged squeeze at the end of that rep it gets the whole back involved so that you can get that full tree effect and not just half of one. Like we always say, full range of motion equals maximum results.

Lastly, is the ever so necessary mind-muscle connection. How many guys or girls do you know whose back workouts seem more like a bicep workout. This number is too damn high. The mind-muscle connection is something that simply takes focus and can sky-rocket your gains. Feel yourself pulling the weight with your lats, rear delts, etc. and not your biceps. Arms get their own day, so don't let them hog back day too! This will initially require you to suck up your pride and drop the weight a little bit in order to properly control the weight. Take home message is quit bullshitting yourself on how much weight you can "get" and actually utilize each rep. 

Now to today's workout. It is like nothing we have ever provided. It requires self-discipline, but if you push yourself it can boost gains tremendously and the metabolism boost you will receive will be well worth the extra sweat.

50 pull-ups in 5 min.
50 body weight rows in 4 min.
50 pull downs in 3.5 min.
AMRAP seated rows in 3 min.
(As Many Reps As Possible)

Keep track of your numbers, because down the road this workout will be revisited and you better believe an increase in reps or a lower time will be expected the second time around.

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