My mind set has always been the same on Mondays- lift anything but chest. Why? Isn't it international chest day? It is exactly for this reason that I don't lift chest on Monday. Nothing is more annoying then walking into a gym ready to demolish your pecs only to find that every single bench is taken.
With all that said, today is leg day! Now that you've been sufficiently let down, it is time to get your mind right and embrace that today you will demolish a great leg workout and reap several benefits from it. So let's get to the workout:
Heavy Back Squat: 5 X 20
- Although the reps are slightly higher, that doesn't mean you get to skimp on the weights
- You've got to lift big to get big!
BB or DB lunges: 4 X 20
- These can be done in place or covering distance
- Make sure to stay upright and activate that core
Calf Raises: 5 X 20
Hamstring Curls: 5 X 20
- Do these on a machine that isolate each leg, unless the one at your gym is unavailable
Leg Extension: 5 X 20
- Last exercise of the workout, make sure to stay heavy!
We have an awesome workout that will give you a great start to your week.
60 jumping jacks
50 crunches
45 squats
40 leg lifts
30 jumping jacks
30 bicycle crunches
20 squats
30 leg lifts
Run 10-15 minutes
-Repeat cycle (w/o running portion) another time if you're feeling good
This circuit is sure to help give you that flat stomach/toned legs that many of you are looking for. Keep in mind that Spring Break isn't getting any farther away so it is important to stay on track with your fitness and nutrition. If you want specific eating plans, send us an email
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