Ashton used a quote in the previous post (check it out if you haven't) that I really wanted to harp on in today's post.
"If you truly want to do something, you'll make time for it".
How often have you avoided writing an essay so that you could watch your favorite television show? If that number isn't in the double digits then you are lying. How about skipping studying to go out with your friends? Been there done that. How about delaying homework to get in a leg workout? Yeah I didn't think so.
Too many excuses are thrown around in an attempt to justify not getting off your ass and bettering yourself. It needs to end now! We aren't providing you with workouts that take 2-3 hours out of your day to complete. We realize the hectic lives that people live nowadays and as a result we post workouts that should take a very reasonable amount of time: 40-60 minutes.
Today's Time Crunch shoulder workout should only take you 30 minutes to complete, so absolutely no excuses are possible to get out of this one. Intensity will be high with less rest than usual, but the burn will be awesome!
Incline Arnold Press: 5 X 10
Cable Rear Delt Flys (single arm):
5 X 10
DB Shrugs: 5 X 15
- Rest only after completing one set of all 3 movements (60 sec. rest MAX)
Strict DB Lateral Raises: 5 X 10
Reverse Crunches: 5 X 30
DB Rear Delt Flys: 5 X 12
- Same rules apply for rest
- By strict I mean absolutely no swing whatsoever
You should leave the gym with a pumped up set of rounded boulders and some extra time on your hands as well.
DB Military Press 4 X 10
DB Lateral Raises 4 X 10
DB Front Raises 4 X 10
DB Rear Delt Flys 4 X 10
Crunches 3 X 30
Leg raises 3 X 20
Toe touches 3 X 25
- Complete all sets of a given exercise before moving on to the next one
#GetFit doesn't come without effort on your part. Muscles don't just pop up over night and stomachs don't flatten at the snap of your fingers. You need to be relentless in your pursuit of a better, healthier, sexier you.
If you feel what we have been providing in our previous posts are too lengthy of a workout for your schedule then send us an email at and we would be more than happy to set you up with a custom workout schedule.
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