1) Who is my target audience?
2) Benefits of getting fit
3) What will it take to #GetFit?
This #GetFit concept is truly for everyone. The workouts we provide aren't just for athletes trying to improve their strength and endurance. It isn't just for people who want to be Mr. Olympia 5 years down the road. I don't even want to be a body builder! Every workout provided will aid in the development of lean muscle along with functional strength. The goal isn't to reduce your range of motion and make it difficult to take off a jacket. #GetFit is a lifestyle for anyone and everyone who wants to look better, feel better, and ultimately live a more productive and enjoyable lifestyle. If you can genuinely say you don't want any of those things then I suppose this message isn't for you.
I could harp on how lifting weights builds confidence and how your confidence can open hundreds of doors for you, and it would all be true but that won't necessarily catch people's eye. Getting fit makes you look better naked. There I said it. Everybody wants to look good naked and that's just the truth of it. Getting fit also gives you energy like you've never had. It helps clear the mind and reduce stress. If you're at the point in your life where you have to pay for your own insurance, then being fit can actually reduce the amount you have to pay.
At this point, I'm sure the thought of "what's the catch" has crossed your mind.
Getting fit won't cost you millions of dollars or require you to flip your whole life upside down. It will simply require a little bit of self-discipline and some athletic clothing. Getting fit doesn't mean you have to have a gym membership. Body weight workouts along with various running workouts can provide you with similar results; thus, using money as an excuse is no longer on the table. Personally, I prefer going to a gym because I love the feeling of lifting weights that I previously wouldn't have imagined of being possible for myself. Money tight? For the avg. price of a meal at a restaurant with a drink, you could afford a gym membership. The only thing stopping you from getting fit, is you.
There is no catch to getting fit. It will only benefit you. I am so completely obsessed with the concept of #GetFit because at the age of 20, I realize that now is the best my body will ever look and that I should take complete advantage of that. Body transformations will never get easier as time progresses so #GetFit NOW! Join #GetFitFam
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